5DayDeal Photography Bundle 2021

The 5DayDeal Photography Bundle is available starting today, but it is only available for five days and then the deal is gone. This year my video course on “Photo Planning with PhotoPills” is included in the Pro Bundle, which is an upgrade from the standard Photography Bundle.

The 5DayDeal Photography Bundle includes over $2,000 in content for just $89. And the Pro Bundle and Complete Bundle upgrade options include additional content representing a significantly greater value.

You can learn all about the 5DayDeal Photography Bundle 2021 here:


But be sure to check it out now, because as the name tells you, the 5DayDeal Photography Bundle is only available for five days, through October 19th.

Pixology Magazine October 2021

The October 2021 issue of Pixology magazine is now available, featuring the following articles:

  • Perfect Panning
    Get tips for capturing better photos when panning with a moving subject.
  • Curves for Color
    Learn how to make use of the powerful Curves adjustment in Photoshop for applying sophisticated color balance adjustments with different color shifts in different areas of an image based on tonal value.
  • Better Photo Previews
    See how you can change the default adjustment settings in Lightroom Classic, so you’ll have better previews of your photos and initial images that are closer to the likely final effect you’ll want to achieve.
  • Being Smart About Smart Objects
    Learn when you should use (and when you should avoid) the unique Smart Object feature in Photoshop.
  • Photo Story: Processing Required
    The story behind a photo captured during my first visit to Japan, which reminded me that sometimes processing is required to get the mood of a photo to match the experience involved in capturing that photo.

Pixology magazine is included in the GreyLearning Ultimate Bundle, and is also available as a standalone subscription here:


New Course: “Lightroom Lectures”

I am happy to announce a new course has been added to the “Mastering Lightroom Classic 10” bundle in the GreyLearning library!

This new course is called “Lightroom Lectures”, and it represents a new approach to teaching photographers how to make the most of their workflow based on my extensive experience and feedback from students.

Each lesson in the “Lightroom Lectures” course provides thorough coverage of a specific aspect of Lightroom Classic, with a typical lecture being about one hour in duration. This provides a series of cohesive lessons that will help ensure you gain knowledge and confidence for using Lightroom Classic in your workflow.

With the publication of this course the “Mastering Lightroom Classic 10” bundle includes coverage of all of the core workflow topics, including organizing, optimizing, and sharing photos using Lightroom Classic. However, there will still be new content added over the coming weeks!

New lessons will be published on organizing and optimizing photos, using the new “lectures” format. In addition, lessons will be added to cover the use of Photoshop specifically for photographers who are using Lightroom Classic as the foundation of their workflow.

Get all of the details of the “Mastering Lightroom Classic 10” bundle here:


Webinar Recording: Black and White with Lightroom Classic

The recording of my full presentation on “Black & White with Lightroom Classic” has been published on my “Tim Grey TV” channel on YouTube. During the presentation I covered:

  • Controlling how individual colors are interpreted in terms of the brightness of the shades of gray
  • Techniques for including an element of color in a black and white photo
  • How to add effects such as a vignette to a black and white photo
  • And more!!!

You can view the recording of this presentation here:


Photoshop Virtual Summit 2021

I’m excited to announce that I’ll be teaching at the online Photoshop Virtual Summit during the week of October 4th through the 8th. And registration is now open!

Register Here: https://timgrey.me/pvs2021

Photoshop Virtual Summit
October 4 – 8, 2021
20 expert instructors teaching 40 classes
Over 30 hours of content! And you can watch it for free!

All classes are free to watch for a 48 period once they go live, and there’s an optional VIP Pass available for purchase that gives you lifetime access to the recordings of all classes, along with audio recordings, instructor-provided class notes and exclusive bonuses.

It’s going to be an amazing week of FREE education from some of the top Photoshop instructors in the world! I hope you can join me.

Pixology Magazine September 2021

The September 2021 issue of Pixology magazine is now available, featuring the following articles:

  • Resolution and Cropping
    Get insights on how to compare different cameras with sensors featuring different resolutions and different physical dimensions.
  • Quick Mask Mode
    Learn how to use the powerful “Quick Mask Mode” in Photoshop to refine or create selections.
  • Moving the Catalog
    Find out the right way to move your Lightroom Classic catalog to a different storage location, such as to easily access the catalog from more than one computer.
  • Apple M1 Processor
    A look at the pros and cons of the latest computers featuring the new Apple M1 processor, and whether you should consider buying now.
  • Photo Story: Circumnavigation
    Sometimes it is difficult to choose a favorite photo from a single trip, especially when the trip is relatively long and involves visits to multiple locations.

Pixology magazine is included in the GreyLearning Ultimate Bundle, and is also available as a standalone subscription here:


Pixology Magazine August 2021

The August 2021 issue of Pixology magazine is now available, featuring the following articles:

  • Exposure Rules of Thumb
    Get tips on estimating initial exposure settings for a scene with a series of helpful rules of thumb for specific lighting conditions.
  • Sharing by Synchronization
    Learn how Lightroom Classic makes it easy to share photos by synchronizing them to your other devices, even enabling you to browse selected photos through a web browser from virtually anywhere.
  • Curves for Tone
    Learn to understand the powerful Curves adjustment in Photoshop for applying sophisticated tonal adjustments to your photos.
  • Water Protection
    Find out about the various accessories you can use to keep your camera safe from water, whether you are just photographing in the rain or actually taking your camera underwater.
  • Photo Story: Echelon Formation
    You don’t always have to travel far for great photographic opportunities, as I was reminded of recently when I had the opportunity to photograph the U.S. Air Force Thunderbirds at an air show nearby. The story of my favorite photo from the day is shared in this article.

Pixology magazine is included in the GreyLearning Ultimate Bundle, and is also available as a standalone subscription here:


Tamron Feature: Around the World With One Lens

I was recently interviewed about my experience on a trip that took me around the world with only one lens for my camera. The result is an article featuring some of my favorite photos captured with that all-in-one lens, with a bit of the story behind each of the images.

You can read the article (and see the photos) in the article on the Tamron USA website here:


Pixology Magazine July 2021

The July 2021 issue of Pixology magazine is now available, featuring the following articles:

  • Understanding Noise Reduction
    An in-depth look at the factors related to noise reduction in photos.
  • Tonal Range Selections
    Photoshop’s Color Range command may be primarily focused on creating selections based on color values in a photo, but it can also be used to create selections based on tonal values, as explained in this article.
  • Blue Hour Photography
    Photographers often focus on capturing photos during golden hour right around sunrise or sunset. But “blue hour” can also provide wonderful photographic opportunities, and this article includes tips to help you make the most of a blue hour sky.
  • Smart Collections in Lightroom Classic
    Smart collections provide the ability to preserve search results, enabling you to quickly review photos that meet specific criteria. This article provides tips on creating and using smart collections in your workflow within Lightroom Classic.
  • Photo Story: Swimming with Sharks
    When I had the opportunity to swim with sharks off the coast of Bora Bora in French Polynesia, it reminded me of the valuable lesson that the best gear isn’t always the best option for every situation.

Pixology magazine is included in the GreyLearning Ultimate Bundle, and is also available as a standalone subscription here:
