Beautiful Landscape Photography in Elements Magazine

I recently learned about ELEMENTS landscape photography magazine, and when I perused my first issue I was quite impressed with the quality of the digital magazine and the photography. Wanting to share this magazine with my readers, I was also able to obtain a discount code for 15% off an annual subscription. I’m also happy to share a complete sample issue so you can see the magazine for yourself.

You can view or download issue #45 of ELEMENTS magazine from November 2024 with this link:

Elements Magazine #45

If you decide to sign up, you can subscribe (with a 15% discount) by following these steps:

1) Point your web browser here:

2) Click the Annual Subscription button.

3) Click the “Add coupon” link and enter TIM15, then click Apply to get your 15% discount.

4) Complete the payment details, and enjoy your subscription!

Pixology Magazine August 2022

The August 2022 issue of Pixology magazine is now available, featuring the following articles:

  • Telephoto Landscapes
    Going beyond the standard approach to landscape photography.
  • Mobile to Classic
    Streamline smartphone photo synchronization to Lightroom Classic.
  • Selecting Focus Points
    Tips for choosing which focus points to activate on your camera.
  • Style Transfer in Photoshop
    Explore unique creative possibilities with a Neural Filter in Photoshop.
  • Photo Story: In Praise of Haze
    Haze can be problematic for photography, until it isn’t.

Pixology magazine is included in the GreyLearning Ultimate Bundle, and is also available as a standalone subscription here:

Recording: “Lightroom Hangout” on Optimizing Landscape Photos

I recently shared some of my top tips for optimizing landscape photos as a guest on the “Lightroom Hangout” series hosted by Rich Harrington of Photofocus. Along the way Rich and I also shared general workflow tips, and Rich demonstrated a cool software tool for automatically identifying the best photos from a photo shoot.

You can view a recording of the full presentation on YouTube here: