Registration is now open for my next live online GreyLearning Ultimate Events, focused on “The Power of PhotoPills”. The live online event will be on Wednesday, June 21st, from 1pm to 5pm Eastern Time.
The PhotoPills app for iOS and Android mobile devices provides photographers with a variety of powerful planning tools. With this app you can calculate equivalent exposure settings, such as when adding a solid neutral density filter. You can calculate depth of field with precision, including being able to take into account the effect of hyperfocal distance. You can plan for the specific position of the sun and moon, both for planning for light and for including the sun or moon in the frame with a key subject. And there is so much more to explore in PhotoPills beyond these powerful features!
All GreyLearning Ultimate Events are included at no additional cost in my GreyLearning Ultimate Bundle ( Recordings of all presentations will also available, so you can watch even if you can’t attend live, or review the presentations at any time.
If you’re not a GreyLearning Ultimate Bundle subscriber, that’s OK! Non-subscribers can attend the live online event and access recordings of all presentations for just $20.
You can get all the details of this upcoming live online event here:
I look forward to helping photographers make the most of the remarkable PhotoPills app with this upcoming GreyLearning Ultimate Event!