Recording: “Cloud Sync with Lightroom Classic”

I recently demonstrated some of the great ways that synchronizing photos to the cloud from Lightroom Classic can help streamline your workflow and add flexibility at the same time.

During the presentation I showed how easy it is to synchronize selected photos from Lightroom Classic to the cloud so they are available from virtually anywhere using the Lightroom mobile app or a web browser. I also demonstrated how changes you make to images that have been synchronized to the cloud are updated everywhere across all of your devices. In addition, I answered questions from those who attended the live online presentation.

The online presentation was hosted by B&H Photo, and you can view a recording of the full presentation here:

Lightroom Virtual Summit 2022

I am delighted to announce that I will be presenting three classes as part of the Lightroom Virtual Summit, which is a free online event that will be held October 3rd through the 7th.

I’ll be presenting on “Streamlined Image Review”, “Automating Optimization”, and “Find Any Photo”, all focused on Lightroom Classic. My classes are just three out of a total of 45 classes from a variety of instructors. Best of all, you can attend all of the online classes for free from virtually anywhere with an internet connection.

In addition to the free registration there is also a VIP Pass option, which provides you with lifetime access to recordings of all presentations, and a variety of special VIP bonus content and benefits.

You can register for free and learn about the special VIP Pass, by following this link:

Online Workshop in December 2020

In early December I will be teaching another online workshop for photographers, this time focused on Organizing Photos in Lightroom Classic.

During the live online sessions, I’ll share tips for defining your workflow for organizing photos, and demonstrate how to use the many organizational features of Adobe Lightroom Classic. Workshop participants will gain confidence in their ability to keep their photos organized, and will be able to get answers to their specific questions along the way.

This online workshop includes four live online sessions of two hours each, along with the opportunity to ask questions during the live sessions or by follow-up email.

If you’d like to learn to streamline your organizational workflow in Lightroom Classic, you can get all of the details of this online workshop here: